2008 Undergraduate Teaching in the Geosciences Continued

Geoscience course content and research in your field

50. At how many meetings have you presented your scientific research within the past two years?

51. How many articles about your research have you published within the past two years?

52. How do you stay current with geoscience content that is beyond the scope of your research?
(Check all that apply)

    Communicate with colleagues
  Attend talks, poster sessions, or presentations
  Read journal articles
  Search internet
  Other, specify  

53. How often did you talk or correspond with your colleagues about course content over the past two years?
  Once or twice per term
  Several times per term
  Nearly every day


54. How do you learn about new teaching methods?
(Check all that apply)

    Professional meetings or workshops
  Discussions with other faculty members in my department
  Discussions with other colleagues on campus
  Discussions with colleagues in other institutions
  On-line resources
  My own research

55. Approximately, how many talks on teaching methods, other topics related to science education, or geoscience education have you attended in the past two years at professional meetings, on campus, or at other venues?


56. How many workshops related to improving your teaching did you attend in the past two years?

57. Do you frequently communicate with your colleagues about:
(Check all that apply)

    New ideas in pedagogy
  New ideas for content
  Specific assignments or activities
  Problems I encounter in my teaching

  Classroom management issues
  Course design
  How to teach a specific course
  How to assess student learning

58. Which of the following do you turn to for advice on teaching?
(Check all that apply)

    Colleagues in my department
  Other colleagues on campus
  Colleagues at the campus teaching / learning center
  Colleagues outside my institution whom I know from my geoscience research
  Colleagues outside my institution whom I met through my interest in teaching
  Nationally known leaders on education
  Other, specify  

59. How often did you talk to or correspond with your colleagues about your teaching over the past two years?

  Once or twice per term
  Several times per term
  Nearly every day

60. What do you rely on to determine if your teaching is working?
(Check all that apply)

    Experience and gut instinct
  Performance on exams, quizzes, assignments
  Students show up for class and appear to enjoy class
  Level of student engagement in class
  Conversations with students
  End-of-class or mid-term evaluations or surveys
  Other, specify  

61. When you have done something that is particularly successful in class, which of the following do you routinely do?
(Check all that apply)

    Tell colleagues whom I know will be interested
  Tell students whom I know will be interested
  Share my success via a list-serv for faculty
  Post my activity on my own website
  Add my activity to a collection of activities (e.g. Cutting Edge, Starting Point, DLESE)
  Publish a paper about my activity
  None of the above

62. How often do you use the Cutting Edge website?
    Never, I did not know there was such a website
  Never, but I know of the website
  Weekly or more often

63. If you have used it, which parts of the site did you use?
(Check all that apply)

    Geoscience topical collections
  Pedagogic topical collections
  Teaching materials (activities, syllabi)
  Workshop information
  Visualization collections
  Other, specify  

64. For which of the following have you used on-line teaching resources within the past two years?
(Check all that apply)

    Surf for ideas for your teaching
  Download materials to use in the class
  Find materials for students to use in assignments
  Learn about the content you will be teaching
  Learn about the methods you will be using
  None of the above

65. How has the use of on-line resources positively impacted your teaching within the past two years?
(Check all that apply)

    Increased the variety of methods that I use
  Increased my skill with a particular teaching method
  Increased my confidence as a teacher
  Increased my ability to assess student learning
  Influenced the topics that I address in my course
  Increased my knowledge of a particular topic
  Other specify  

66. Which of the following journals about teaching do you read regularly?
(Check all that apply)

    I do not regularly read journals about teaching
  Journal of College Science Teaching
  Journal of Geoscience Education
  Journal of Research in Science Teaching
  Other pedagogical journals, specify  

67. Have you presented research on teaching methods or student learning at meetings within the past two years?

68. How many articles have you published about educational topics within the past two years?
       If none, click here to skip to question 72.

69. Of these articles, how many describe:
    Your research on teaching methods or student learning
  Your classroom or curriculum innovations
  Other, (Please describe)  

70. Which of the following ways have you shared or published materials (e.g. syllabi, student assignments, resources for students) from your courses in the last two years?
(Check all that apply)

    In my department
  Posted on-line
  Published in journals
  None of the above